Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I surrendered

Goodnight Gorgeous-ness-es 
Believing what I blog... I recently surrendered to God's plan for me. I let go of a situation that should not have been in my hands in the first place. I have been rewarded with peace and comfort from God. Tonight was difficult, don't let me trick you into thinking otherwise, but I just feel sweet relief. They don't call this the straight and narrow, less frequently walked path for nothing. But I have God and I have Kaity, Lori, Brittany, Caroline, Emmy, and Shma. I have my freedom back and I feel confident I am on the path that God wants me to be on. Knowing this makes this night (not easy but) easier.
I hope your night is swell,

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Aloha Amigos!

There are two ways to think of surrendering. 
1. The act of admitting you have lost and giving up.
2. The act of letting go and giving away your control.

I think so many times in my faith I struggle with surrendering. I either go with option number one or I flat out refuse to surrender. The problem with option number one is after I give up I no longer pay attention to the problem at hand. Too often I am guilty of letting the words "Oh Well" cover a situation that probably needed more attention. In the situation of refusing to surrender I find that I think I can fix a situation beyond my control. This starts a whole chain of problems that in the end leads to me not only getting the incorrect outcome but also leads me to the dangerous place of being displeased with myself. 

It is probably best to just go for option two from the start. Although we know it is for the better, it is still a scary thing to do. God will no doubt do what is best for us in the situation; so, why is it so hard to trust him? I think it is because of the factor of the unknown. What if God does something that we wouldn't do ourselves? What if God's solution to our problem isn't so pretty? I find myself prying my fingers off the situation one by one until I finally fall, trusting that God will have out his safety net.  And his solution to the problem may be hard to swallow but in the big picture it will be a beautiful answer to a much bigger problem than the one on the surface.

I like this method better because the whole "Oh Well" factor isn't there. I have to pay attention to what God is saying. There is no way for me to not care about what happens next. In a way option two makes me more involved in the situation than I was in the first place. And along the way my relationship with my heavenly father, who I love so dearly, is taken to a new level. 

Surrender my lovelies. Take the leap. 

Sunday Solitude

Shalom Sweeties,
It is Sunday, the day I look forward to all week. 

I must say I have never been so excited for a Monday to roll around. Weekends are usually nice break from those pesky Monday through Friday's but something about this weekend was just extremely undesirable. 

But today on Sunday I found the peace of God. I talked with close friends. I worshiped God, giving him my whole heart. I felt peace settle into my mind and relax my body. It is sad how I never make time for myself to spend with God. My relationship with God doesn't need to be this broken. I need some consistency.

How's your walk with God? When is the last time you let him hold you?


Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Starkenburk Saturday!

Howdy hooligans!
What a start to the weekend it has been. Here is the happenings: 
Last night: Movie with boyfriend! (In Time every last cast member was beautiful!)

Then a straight hour of Phineas and Ferb which I seem to be very addicted to. 

In between today and yesterday: I woke up fully clothed and really confused at three and freaked out to my roommate for about ten minutes then passed out again.

Today: Nothing too eventful happened early in the day. But this evening I went on a lovely shopping trip with the boy and the roomie. But I had an amazing night with the girls on my floor. I did this...
to three girls on my floor during Spa Night tonight.
And that is my weekend so far!

I need to take some time to give thanks for an amazing friend I have here. Tonight I learned that we can run to each other. Times get hard, things get confusing and it is nice to have someone I know will be honest with me when I ask her advise. In fact I am really blessed for all the friends I have here. God had placed me in a truly amazing place.

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods,

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday. Finally Friday.

Well Kids,
     It is finally Friday here in Chicago and I think I just heard my whole college sigh with relief! I know I speak for myself and a couple of others when I say a quick prayer of thanks for making it though this week without any major mental break downs. Now I begin the weekend ritual of shoving all thoughts of papers, tests and almost all things academic out of my mind and relax. 

In the spirit of Friday being the end of a week I will recap in 5's.

Here are my top five exciting things of the week:
5. The Starkenburg girls cleaned my room! What?I think I have the best floor ever (or they just wanted the mouse gone, either way)!
4. I started blogging... so that is cool.
3. My roommate, my boyfriend and I played the riveting Lego board game of Heroica
2. My roommate and I went to breakfast every morning this week (and today we started morning cartoons... best way to wake up ever!)
1. Tonight I'm going on my first actual date with my boyfriend, which is awesome because it is 11/11/11!

Top five laughs:
5. "I'm not getting fat for a fake lesbian relationship"-Kaity
4. "You get this from drinking Orange Juice" -Lori
"my first thought was herpes" -Me
3. Berry the smoking Christmas Tree!
2. Nooooooooooooo! The Cassandra Noise.
1. I now know how to flip in the hallway!

I think that is all I have to report for now so until next time!
P.S. Wish me luck on my date!
